Rruga Regjimentit 1 month ago
0 Bedrooms
0 Bathrooms
19342 m2
19,342 m2 of land for sale in Rinas The land is located on the side of the road, in front of Rinas airport The development parameters for the property are as follows: -Surface 19,342 m2 - Coefficient of land utilization KSHT=60% -Intensity K1=1.7 - Floor height = 4 - Height in meters = 15 m The area in which the property is located is an area with high development prospects with several infrastructure projects in development towards completion that will allow access to the area with Tirana, Durres and all of Albania. In this area, various projects such as Residence, Hotel, the new Olympic Stadium of Tirana, Kapanone, Warehouse, etc. are in the process of planning and construction. The property has a quick access to the main road and very close to the junction connecting the airport with the Thumane - Kashar highway. Suitable for various types of business such as hotels, rental cars, warehouses, silos, parking, etc. For any information and a visit to the property, contact us!
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Listing by Century 21 Adore